DAY 1: 2:00 - 5:30 PM | DAY 2: 8:15 AM - 6:05 PM
Room: Aqua 300
TS2B: Next-Generation Approaches to Antibody Screening and Discovery
David Bramhill, PhD, Founder, Bramhill Biological Consulting, LLC
Over the space of a few years, a series of technologies has improved greatly in both capability and affordability, and these have been adapted to enhance the discovery and development of antibodies and other immunotherapies. Among these technologies,
DNA sequencing and data analysis, DNA synthesis, single-cell isolation, and genome engineering using CRISPR/Cas9 combine to drive significant advances in how we can engineer antibodies and cell lines. This seminar will evaluate these new developments
and their applications in antibody and immunotherapy discovery and development.
Attendees will learn about:
- Next-Generation Sequencing of DNA - new capabilities, torrents and pores
- DNA sequencing applied to single cells and entire immune responses
- Data analysis of whole population responses to immunogen/vaccine
- Cell sorting and other direct isolation-selection of B-cells
- Protein level antibody sequencing capabilities
- Application of new insights to humanization and engineering of IgG
- CRISPR/Cas9 applied to engineer libraries and cell lines
- CAR-T cells, armored CARs and engineered NK cells
Instructor Biography:
David Bramhill, PhD, Founder, Bramhill Biological Consulting, LLC
Dr. Bramhill has over 20 years’ experience in biologics, both
in large biopharma and startup biotech companies. He has experience in isolating and improving antibodies using phage display and is an inventor on library design techniques for small scaffolds. He also has experience in diverse expression systems
for producing antibodies, antibody fragments and different scaffolds. He has taught numerous technical courses for over 10 years at international conferences.
Each CHI Training Seminar offers 1.5 days of instruction with start and stop times for each day shown above and on the Event-at-a-Glance published in the onsite Program & Event Guide. Training Seminars will include morning and afternoon refreshment
breaks, as applicable, and lunch will be provided to all registered attendees on the full day of the class.
Each person registered specifically for the Training Seminar will be provided with a hard copy handbook for the seminar in which they are registered. A limited number of additional handbooks will be available for other delegates who wish to attend the
seminar, but after these have been distributed, no additional books will be available.
Though CHI encourages track hopping between conference programs, we ask that Training Seminars not be disturbed once they have begun. In the interest of maintaining the highest quality learning environment for Training Seminar attendees, and because seminars
are conducted differently than conference programming, we ask that attendees commit to attending the entire program, and not engage in track hopping, as to not disturb the hands-on style instruction being offered to the other participants.