Wednesday, January 16 | 2:00 - 3:05 pm
PepTalk Perspectives: Point-Counterpoint Discussions
“Change is inevitable. Progress is a choice.”
Dean Lindsey
“Permanence, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.”
Thomas Carlyle
IT IS HUMAN NATURE to resist change, especially in the ultraconservative biopharmaceutical industry. Despite this, there is a corresponding desire to make things better whenever possible. However, do advances in technology always
result in progress? By design, PepTalk’s eight Pipelines cover a range of topics from R&D discovery to product development where exciting new developments are presented, each with the potential to have significant impact on the discovery
and product development lifecycle. Are these changes universally positive? The positive-negative viewpoint may differ depending on a company’s or individual’s perspective.
In thought-provoking point-counterpoint discussions, panelists address the impact and implications of new technology and other advances on accelerating biopharma product development, with topics including:
» Dealing with Regulatory Reform
» Pros and Cons of Accelerating Time to Market
» Impact of Implementing New Technologies
» Impact of Adopting New Therapies and Targets
» What, Where, and When
Impact of Big Data
2:00 pm Plenary Keynote Introduction
Norman Packard, PhD, CEO, Daptics
2:10 Plenary Keynote Panel
Howard Levine, PhD, President and CEO, BioProcess Technology Consultants
George Badescu, PhD, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Heidelberg Pharma AG
Manon Cox, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO, NextWaveBio
Du, PhD, Director, Bioprocess & Clinical Manufacturing, Merck
Paul Jorjorian, Vice President, BioProcess Sciences,
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Marina Kirkitadze, PhD, Deputy Director, Head of Biophysics and Conformation Unit, Analytical
R&D Biochemistry, Sanofi Pasteur, Canada
Stefan R. Schmidt, PhD, MBA, Head, Operations (COO), BioAtrium AG
3:05 Close of Plenary Keynote Panel
Additional Conference Keynote Speakers

Tara Arvedson, PhD, Director, Oncology Research, Amgen, Inc.

Steven Cramer, PhD, William Weightman Walker Professor, Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Matthew P. DeLisa, PhD, William L. Lewis Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University

Rakesh Dixit, PhD, Vice President and Global Head, Translational Sciences-Biologics Safety Assessment, MedImmune, LLC

Jennifer Dumont, PhD, Executive Director, Medical Affairs, Bioverativ, Inc.

Isidro Hotzel, PhD, Senior Scientist, Genentech

Alan K. Hunter, PhD, Director, Purification Process Sciences, MedImmune, LLC

Paul Imbach, MD, Professor, Ped. Oncology/Hematology, University of Basel, Switzerland

Stephen Albert Johnston, PhD, CEO, Calviri, Inc.; Director and Professor, Biodesign Center for Innovations in Medicine, Arizona State University
Alexander (Sasha) Kabanov, PhD, DrSci, Distinguished Professor, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill

Satoshi Ohtake, PhD, Senior Director, Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Biotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pfizer, Inc.

Takeshi Omasa, PhD, Professor, Department of Material and Life Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University

Palani Palaniappan, PhD, Head, Tech Ops & Andover Site, Sarepta Therapeutics

Bernhard Palsson, PhD, Galletti Professor, Bioengineering; Principal Investigator, Systems Biology Research Group, Bioengineering; Professor, Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego

Joël Richard, PhD, Vice President, Peptides, CMC & Engineering, Ipsen

Christian Schöneich, PhD, Takeru Higuchi Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The University of Kansas

Mohammad Tabrizi, PhD, Director, Biologics PPDM, Merck Research Laboratories Palo Alto

Kerstin Walke, PhD, Head, Pharmaceutical Development Biologicals, Boehringer Ingelheim